Re: Seeking closure on D-AR019.1.1 and D-AR019.1.3


On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 05:30:08PM -0500, Damodaran, Suresh wrote:
> I remember you mentioning tuple space computing(a la Linda) - is that
> something you are 
> thinking of?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking of.  Coordination languages are
protocols that enable the coordination of solutions to some types of
distributed problems.  Some are very specific, while others are very
generic.  Linda is the latter, as is HTTP.  FTP and TCP would be an
example of the former.  IMAP and NNTP are somewhere in the middle.
.. just to give some examples.

> Wouldn't you need messages and using messages to "actuate"
> processing
> in a distributed world, irrespective of how you define the behavior
> semantics?
> </sd>

Hmm, not exactly sure what you mean by that.  Linda works by sending
and receiving messages.

Given Mike's response, I'm happy to drop this thread if you like.

Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.     

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 20:25:05 UTC