Re: Harvesting REST

Hi Eric.

FWIW, the message you responded to was just me discharging my action to
harvest the Web/REST. I wasn't looking to re-ignite this debate. 8-)

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 09:14:55PM -0400, Newcomer, Eric wrote:
> Mark,
> I am very interested in REST, and in adapting Web services to the Web architecture as much as possible.  But I'd say it depends upon the alignment of the respective use cases, doesn't it?  I mean, I'm not sure the use cases for Web services are the same for the hypertext Web.

So far, I've yet to see a Web service solve a problem that couldn't be
solved (and solved cleanly, not kludged) with the Web, but I'm certainly
open to the possibility that there are some.  If anybody knows of any,
the usage scenarios document would be a good place for them.

> I realize this applies to any other architecture we harvest, including CORBA (which to my mind is at least as important to Web services as REST), but that is what will determine the success or failure of our efforts, IMHO.

Very true.  I think our choice of architectural style will be the
biggest determinant of the success or failure of Web services.
Certainly the current "implicit style", as visible in existing Web
services on the Internet, has a long way to go to solve the problems
inherrent in Internet scale communication.  I see it as our job to
provide some guidance.

I'd suggest that REST is substantially more important than CORBA, but
that doesn't mean that we can't look to CORBA for some pointers.

Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.     

Received on Monday, 15 July 2002 22:08:00 UTC