Harvesting REST

Here's the message I sent to w3c-ws-arch, "harvesting" REST.  It was
really easy, because REST is the result of Roy harvesting the Web.


Since REST is so well defined, listing the architectural elements is pretty
easy.  They're already listed here;


Data elements are; resources, resource identifiers, representation,
representation metadata, resource metadata, control data

Components are; origin server, gateway, proxy, user agent

Connectors are; client, server, cache, resolver, tunnel

"features", as I understand what it is that we're mining, are difficult
to extract from an architecture.  But looking at the Web through REST
eyes, I'd say that the following could be considered features, even
though some are also listed above;

- generic interface
- intermediaries
- stateless interaction
- visibility of messages too all components
- caching
- data streams as arguments

There's probably others.  I can spend some more time digging deeper if
we think that would be useful (and that those are usefully listed as

Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.               distobj@acm.org
http://www.markbaker.ca        http://www.idokorro.com

Received on Monday, 15 July 2002 20:44:02 UTC