Web Services Architecture Requirements 23 April 2002


	I've uploaded the most recent version of the requirements document


	This version incorporates many changes from our discussions both at
the face to face meeting and on the telephone and in the mailing list. This
version is intended for publication as a Working Draft upon approval of the

	Here is a (partial) list of the changes in this version:

* removed user scanrios section
* added top-level goals from f2f
* relettered prior goals to CSFs
* modified each CSF to reflect current wording and requirements
* removed some sections
* reworked document organization and structure
* changed from editor's draft to working draft
* updated status section
* lots of other small changes.

	There are still some issues with this version:
* numbering is irregular
* list formatting is inconsistent
* analysis matrices not yet added
* document text needs coherence
* does not yet pass publication validator at W3C

	Please send comments and feedback to the list! Thanks to Chris,
Hugo, and of course Abbie and Sharad for all the hard work. 



Dr. Daniel Austin, Sr. Technical Architect
austin.d@ic.grainger.com (847) 793 5044
Visit: http://www.grainger.com

"Sapere Aude!"

Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 16:30:14 UTC