D-AG0005 Summary

Goal Statement:

"[To develop a standard reference architecture for web services that]
applies the "KISS" principle and is defined such that it does not
impose high barriers to entry for its intended audience"

This was proposed by Chris Ferris in
and there have not been further suggestions.

The Critical Success Factors seem to be:

 - The reference architecture should be easily understandable by the
target audience.

* does it avoid specialized jargon not familiar to ordinary software
* is it stated in simple declarative sentences?
* is it organized in a way that allows important points to be located?
* does it use illustrations to visually describe key components and

 - The reference architecture should be as minimal as possible

* How many components does it describe?
* How many relationships among the components does it describe?
* How do these figures compare to those of notable exemplars of good
reference architectures?
* Could any components or relationships be removed without significantly
limiting the value of the architecture?

  -  The reference architecture should simplify the task of a
programmer writing interoperable implementations of specifications of
components described by the architecture.

* is the role played by each component in the overall architecture stated
* are the interdependencies among components noted explicitly?
* are existing specs that fufill the role of a given component referenced?
* are the resulting implementations actually interoperable?

 - The reference architecture should simplify the task of an
application programmer using the specifications it describes

* does the reference architecture not force a programmer to use exotic
* Can the architecture be implemented without large amounts of code? 
* Does it allow simple invocations as well as elaborations with more
functionality when building web services or applications that employ web

Received on Monday, 1 April 2002 09:03:20 UTC