Reporting Test Results (was Re: Regrets for 2003-09-04 telecon)

Charles White writes:
> Won't make it today. 
> The test compilation is coming along however.
> If anyone else has done tests, please forward them to me.
> I have completed wonderweb and Euler.
> Am working on Cerebra.
> Still haven't received the pellet results.

I should have tried harder to talk to you about this last week, in
response to your call for results [2].   (Or I should have offered to
do it, in the meeting, but I wasn't able to commit to it at the time.) 

Have you seen my message of this morning, announcing my
RDF-based-results-viewer [1]?  I'm rather motivated to get people
using RDF for this -- we can write whatever tabulators and summary
systems we want, and people can include timing and other details if
they want.  I imagine there will be a demand well beyond W3C process
requirements for this kind of information, surveying the landscape of
OWL reasoners.  It seems like a perfect Semantic Web Application.

In today's meeting, I was going to ask which people who have submitted
results would rather 
    (1) try to re-do theirs using the test-results ontology I'm using,  
    (2) have me (or someone) transform their results to use this

My hope is that with the CGI results viewer I wrote, it'll be easy/fun
enough for folks to just generate & public the RDF themselves.

   -- sandro


Received on Thursday, 4 September 2003 11:02:38 UTC