RE: testing that RDF datatypes can have more than one URI name

ran that test succuessfully - is that the I5.8-017 ??

Jos De Roo, AGFA

                      "Jeremy Carroll"                                                                                                 
                      <jjc@hplb.hpl.hp.        To:       "Dan Connolly" <>, Jos De_Roo/AMDUS/MOR/Agfa-NV/BE/BAYER@AGFA  
                      com>                     cc:       "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <>, "Brian McBride"     
                      Sent by:                  <>, "Dan Brickley" <>, <>          
                      www-webont-wg-req        Subject:  RE: testing that RDF datatypes can have more than one URI name                
                      2003-10-10 05:04                                                                                                 

No it's not - but that's enough to work on - I'll try and get that in

Aside to Peter - on the user defined datatypes issue.
I think S&AS currently permits the following in OWL DL

eg:dt1 rdf:type owl:Thing .
eg:dt2 rdf:type owl:Thing .
eg:dt1 owl:sameAs eg:dt2 .
eg:i rdf:type owl:Thing .
eg:p rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty .
eg:i eg:p "foo"^^eg:dt1 .
eg:r rdf:type owl:Class .
eg:r owl:equivalentClass _:r .
_:r rdf:type owl:Restriction .
_:r owl:onProperty eg:p .
_:r owl:hasValue "foo"^^eg:dt2 .


A natural reading of this would entail

eg:i rdf:type eg:r .

i.e. eg:i is known to have value "foo"^^eg:dt1 hence it also is known to
have value "foo"^^eg:dt2 .

However, this lies outside the bounds of what we are expecting
implementations to do and the best fix is to change the abstract syntax for
^^ to be string^^datatypeID .


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Dan Connolly
> Sent: 10 October 2003 15:51
> To: Jos De_Roo
> Cc: Peter F. Patel-Schneider; Brian McBride; Dan Brickley;
> Subject: Re: testing that RDF datatypes can have more than one URI name
> Is this now in the OWL test suite? I don't really
> know where to look. I'd like to tell RDF Core that
> my action is done.
> On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 08:20, Jos De_Roo wrote:
> > Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> [...]
> > >
> > > Here is a QName triples version (translate as appropriate for
> > >
> > >            xsd:decimal owl:sameAs ex:bar .
> > >            ex:xx ex:yy "01^^ex:bar .
> >
> > I had trouble parsing the last triple, but
> >             ex:xx ex:yy "01"^^ex:bar .
> > worked better ;-)
> >
> > > owl full entails
> > >
> > >            ex:xx ex:yy "1"^^xsd:decimal .
> > >
> > > because ex:bar and xsd:decimal have the same denotation and
> thus have the
> > > same L2V mapping.
> > >
> > > Note that this only depends on the datatype map mapping xsd:decimal
> > the
> > > XSD decimal type, and does not depend on ex:bar being in the datatype
> > map.
> >
> > I again had trouble to infer that, but this time due to
> > a shortcoming in our implementation of the substitution
> > of equals-for-equals; I made a trial change and then
> > it worked (but I have to eventually reconsider it).
> >
> > jos
> >
> > > peter
> --
> Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 10 October 2003 17:00:57 UTC