TEST all changes included, ready to ship

I have included the reviewer comments into the editors draft of test which I 
now believe is ready for last call publication.


The file changes.html in this directory is not intended as part of the 
publication, all other files are.

Next steps are:
- Dan to OK and/or modify SOTD
- Sandro to work with pubteam

The last changes were:
- accepting Ian's comments about running tests with not supported datatypes
- accepting Ian's comments about consistency (with a flourish concerning 
separated vocabularies)
- accepting some verbal advice from Dan about the non-normative versions (i.e. 
status links to normative version, put "(alternative version)" in subtitle)
- added end date of 27th June for Last Call period
- copied some of the text from SOTD of the other LC WDs.

This appears to pass Pub rules.

The only difference that I expect will need to be made is any change to the 
SOTD that Dan thinks is necessary. (Dan gets absolute say over this section, 
which is not under the control of the WG or the editors).


Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 06:01:08 UTC