Re: owl:All(something) ??

At 7:04 PM +0200 5/14/03, Jos De_Roo wrote:
>>  Note, in OWL full I would do this by simplying using the allDifferent
>>  on the classes - maybe that is the solution to suggest to these folks
>>  for now, although could mean a lot of scientistific applications
>>  would not be using DL...
>[ a owl:AllDifferent; owl:distinctMembers (:Mammalian :Reptilian ...)].
>mean that the extensions of :Mammalian :Reptilian ...
>are different sets or that they are mutually disjoint?

Good point - even that solution wouldn't be good enough -- however it 
is worth noting that the folks I talked to  DIDN'T ask for 
DisjointUnion because the higher concepts are not necessarily the 
union of the disjoint sets -- so they really would be happy with some 

[ a owl:AllDisjointClasses; owl:distinctMembers (:Mammalian :Reptilian ...)].

>-- ,
>Jos De Roo, AGFA

- JH

Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2003 13:11:02 UTC