Graph as triples

I completed my action from the editors meeting ...

is a copy of Peter's document with the graph as triples as in my work.

I have compressed the DL and Lite sections as requested by Peter.

As actioned, I have included the B.1 and B.2 parts of the syntax proposal -
hence (for OWL DL) the first half of the document needs additional text such
as in [1] in order for this document to be consistent.

Alternatively, somebody else may care to try and characterise the
owl:disjointWith and owl:equivalentClass triples permitted in Peter's
current draft; this would then be additional conditions replacing my
"Directed cycles of blank nodes may not occur in OWL Lite and in OWL DL must
contain at least one triple with property owl:disjointWith or



Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 11:07:27 UTC