Re: Proposed simplification of datatype expressions

From: "Deborah L. McGuinness" <>
> this suggestion would exclude the option of using
>  oneof("red"   "white"  "rose")   as the allvaluesfrom restriction on
> hasWineColor on wine.
> then we need to make red, white, and rose individuals instead of using
> strings.  That is doable but not how ian has argued this should be modeled.

I think Deborah has also indicated a potentially good example of multi-value data
valued properties - color.

Let's imagine in some cases, "red" is too rough to describe the exact color that
people want to use, e,g, the "#C60000" red. If we want to model all these
possible colors (in the latter way) using individuals, that might be a headache.
On the contrary, it is quite natural if we model these colors using data valued

Then with cardinality constraints to data values, we can restrict the numbers of
colors on flags, shoes, hats, ice cream ...

Jeff Z. Pan  ( )
Computer Science Dept., The University of Manchester

Received on Friday, 21 March 2003 13:22:46 UTC