Re: status of S&AS and a PROPOSAL for proceeding to last call

> I don't know if this counts as an unexpected problem, but a significant
> section of S&AS is not finished.  I have no idea when this section of S&AS
> will be completed, as I am no longer responsible for it.

Hi Peter,

I am sorry I have got behind with WebOnt stuff - I've had too many flights and 
a number of more urgent activities over the last week.

I currently have five WebOnt related tasks:
A: create a draft of Graph as Triples for inclusion into S&AS (I take that to 
be what you are referring to) [A.1 with OWL Lite and OWL DL separate, A.2 
combine the two as we (you and me) discussed in Cambridge]
B:  catch up with the e-mail 
C:  review S&AS - specifically review my previous list of points to check they 
are either addressed or redundant
D:  include Ian's text for datatypes and consistency checkers (I am not sure 
of the status of this task)
E: more tests, and other work on OWL Test Cases

My current prioritisation is in that order - although I suspect I will do some 
interleaving of B,C,D, and E.

I have a short time now; assuming the war starts I will be on strike tomorrow; 
and I will have another short time Friday - Monday is clearer. Hence I hope 
to complete A.1 maybe Friday and A.2 on Monday.

Hope this helps give you an idea of what I am doing.


Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 07:33:34 UTC