Re: Proposed simplification of datatype expressions

On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 10:47, Ian Horrocks wrote:
> I know this is rather last-minute, but I would like to propose a
> couple of small simplifications to the language that would
> significantly improve ease of implementation of datatype reasoning in
> both DL and Lite.
> 1. Change the specification of cardinality constraints so that they
> can only be applied to individual valued properties and not to data
> valued properties. This seems to be a relatively small loss as most
> data valued properties turn out to be functional, and it is hard to
> think of realistic examples where local/arbitrary-valued cardinality
> constraints are required.

I can support going to 0/1/many. But constraining a property
to be functional is a cardinality constraint, no?
I don't think I'm quite clear on what you're after.

> 2. Eliminate the dataRange construction from OWL DL, i.e., do not
> support oneOf(5 10 15 20). If used in someValuesFrom restrictions,
> this construction doesn't add any expressive power as it is equivalent
> to a disjunction of value restrictions, but if used in allValuesFrom
> restrictions it acts like a datatype definition outside XMLS.

OK by me.

I wonder if any of the existing tests would need changing for this.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2003 11:34:19 UTC