RE: Guide: New version

Thanks, Mike.  Will fix.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Dean [] 
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 2:26 PM
To: Smith, Michael K
Subject: Re: Guide: New version 

> Cleaned about="" section, added xml:Base text.

This should be xml:base (capitalization).

The third paragraph in Section 6 uses owl:ontology rather
than owl:Ontology.

Should Sections 6's use of owl:Ontology also be changed to
use rdf:about=""?

>       Fixed Appendix examples (bogus AllValuesFrom).

There are still problematic uses of owl:cardinality with owl:ObjectProperty
(owl:cardinality can be used only within a Restriction on a Class).  You
might replace these with owl:FunctionalProperty, but that's equivalent to
owl:maxCardinality 1 rather than owl:cardinality 1.



Received on Monday, 10 March 2003 17:40:31 UTC