Re: TEST, GUIDE: food.owl, wine.owl

the original daml ontology is in the daml ontology library.
i wrote the original wines ontology and then used ontolingua to 
translate it into daml (and cleaned it up a bit).

it is up at:

it is fine for it to have mike, chris, and me as authors since although 
i did the initial content, it has had a number of revisions.


Smith, Michael K wrote:

>I think Guide editors is apt, if there is a pointer somehow
>to the original DAML ontology. (Deb, what do you think?) 
>The organization and relation have changed a great deal 
>from that document, but much of the content is the the same.
>- Mike
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeremy Carroll []
>Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 3:36 AM
>Subject: TEST, GUIDE: food.owl, wine.owl
>To whom should I credit these documents?
>(Every test is listed with one or more authors)
>(Currently I credit them to "Guide editors").

Received on Sunday, 2 March 2003 20:29:52 UTC