WOWG: agenda editor's telecon June 19

AGENDA  Teleconference Web Ontology Working Group
June 19, 1200 (East US), 0900 (West US). 1700 (London)
Duration: 90-120 min

Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 passcode 9326#.
IRC Chat: (port 6665), #webont

Chair: Guus Schreiber
Scribe: Chris Welty

NOTE: editor's meeting (at least one editor per LC document)

1. Administrivia

Role Call

Next regular telecon: June 26, chair Hendler, scribe TBD
[will include approval of minutes of June 12 and June 19 plus full
action item review]

2. LC Comments

Discussion of status/actions for all nonclosed LC comments

See LC status overview by Connolly:

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Received on Thursday, 19 June 2003 06:33:13 UTC