LC comment status: formazlized, hypertext

OK, so I've got the LC comment status
formalized and represented in HTML...

27 closed threads, 40 open.

Among the 40 open, many of them are
in "we're done; are you happy?" state;
I haven't formalized that.

Hmm... Guus, at least one of them is in
"no, I'm not happy"
state. :-{$c49a1b70$bd7ba8c0@rhm8200

Still todo:

(1) mix in records from last thursday,
showing who's got actions on what.

(2) figure out if there are any
that are in "is this ok to send, Mr chair?"

(3) in preparation for the CR/PR
request, annotate the closed threads
with the disposition (substantive change
agreed by WG, substantive change delegated
to editor, editorial change, clarification).

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 11:55:39 UTC