RE: Proposed response to Martin Merry, HP

At 6:44 PM -0500 6/13/03, pat hayes wrote:
>>At 10:21 AM -0500 6/12/03, Smith, Michael K wrote:
>>>If we feel the need to assert that complete reasoning in OWL DL
>>>is impractical, I presume we should go on to say that
>>>complete reasoning in OWL Full is impossible?
>That is obviously false, so we shouldn't say it. Complete reasoners 
>exist for full first-order logic, after all.

For what it is worth, I think Mike should use the ":->" next time so 
us humor challenged will realize he was being sarcastic...

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  *** 240-277-3388 (Cell)      *** NOTE CHANGED CELL NUMBER ***

Received on Saturday, 14 June 2003 22:04:24 UTC