Re: issues with respect to the test cases overall manifest document

Jos De_Roo wrote:

> If I'm not mistaken, this is a machine generated file
> (Jeremy did all that work and I'm very glad with that)
> and mainly intended for machines; I believe there
> is no false information in there; maybe there is some
> information in there that is not very relevant (resulting
> from some graph merging I guess) but at least my machine
> is not having trouble with that (and it was a good test
> case on its own btw, ie I found some bugs that way).
> Anyhow a cleanup could be in order, what do you think
> Jeremy?

Cleaning it up is a lot of work.

It depends on the particular issue.

The point that a particular rdfs:Class should be an owl:Class could be 
addressed (the underlying problem is that
is distinctly OWL Full rather than OWL DL.

It may be possible to tweak the code that generates it.
The current algorithm is something like:

- read all the relevant files ( testOntology, manifests, some others )
- dump it to the Manifest.rdf file
- generate the test cases doc

It would probably be slightly better if I changed it to:

- read all the relevant manifest files
- dump it to the Manifest.rdf file
- read all the other files ( testOntology, manifests, some others )
- generate the test cases doc

Don't expect anything human readable - the individual manifest files are 
just about intelligible.

I will add Peter's message to my todo list, and get back when I have done 
whatever I feel is worth the effort.


Received on Monday, 9 June 2003 03:09:01 UTC