Re: Minutes of Web Ontology Working Group teleconference of June 5, 2003


> Attendance
> Jim Hendler, Sandro Hawke, Jean-Francois Baget, Dan Connolly, Frank van
> Harmelen, Jeff Heflin, Jeremy Carroll, Evan Wallace, Mike Smith, Peter
> F. Patel-Schneider, Herman ter Horst, Chris Welty, Sean Bechhofer, Tim
> Finin, Mike Dean, Pat Hayes (joined late), maybe one or two unidentified

Jos De Roo (joined later)

> 17:28:23 <DanC> that would be more intuitive to me...
>                 to say that owl:Class rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class

intuitive and the 104 testcases that we use (for RDFS, OWL, LOG, etc)
are not affected in their provability (ie 94 cases with proof found)

> 17:31:28 <pfps> Peter PS - if owl:Class is not the same
>                 as rdfs:Class - then in OWL  Full it does
>                 not follow that rdfs:Class belongs
>                 to the owl:intersectionOf [rdfs:Class]

I can't see why;
haven't found a problem proving that

ex:I owl:intersectionOf _:l.
_:l rdf:first rdfs:Class.
_:l rdf:rest rdf:nil.


rdfs:Class a ex:I.

(that is assuming such facts as
owl:Class rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class.
owl:Thing rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource.
owl:differentFrom rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource.
owl:differentFrom rdfs:range rdfs:Resource.
owl:intersectionOf rdfs:domain rdfs:Class.
owl:intersectionOf rdfs:range rdf:List.

BUt I still prefer to just have rdfs:Class, rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 17:58:41 UTC