Re: proposed addendum to reply to unnamed-ontologies comment

From: Dan Connolly <>
Subject: Re: proposed addendum to reply to unnamed-ontologies comment
Date: 04 Jun 2003 15:28:25 -0500

> regarding
> On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 13:56, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> > I have made the minor changes to the direct model theory to address a
> > problem raised by the RDF Core WG and formulated a reply.  
> I'd prefer that the reply quoted the actual text that we're
> asking them to evaluate rather than (a) pointing to something
> that's subject to change without notice, and (b) giving
> an ad-hoc summary of the text.

See revised response below.

> Also, I'm not sure I understand this part of the design well
> enough to tell how consistent this new text is with the
> WG decisions and such.

There are no WG decisions here.  This is a bug in the semantics that needs
a fix, and there is only one obvious way to go.  Perhaps we should spend a
second or two today to discuss it. 



> --- owlsas-rdfcore-unnamed-ontologies
> Section 3.4
> Unnamed ontologies: informally, multiple Annontations on an unnamed
> ontology don't need to be satisfied by the same "x" according to this
> table. Don't think that's right.

The newest editor's draft of S&AS (of 4 June 2003, available at has a new Section 3.4
that should satisfactorily address this issue.

The basic change is that the interpretation of Ontology Annotations is done
in an environment where there is a resource for the ontology, named or not
as evidenced by the following wording:

	there is some o &isin; R such that 
	for each Ontology Annotation of the form
	<span class="syntax">Annotation(</span>p v<span class="syntax">)</span>,
	&lt;o,S(v)&gt; &isin; ER(p)
	and that if O has name n, then 
	S(n) = o;

Please reply to this message as to whether this response is satisfactory,

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research
Lucent Technologies

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 09:28:44 UTC