RE: Test ontologies

> From: Ian Horrocks [] 
> I converted some "interesting" ontologies to OWL:
> They have been checked with both validators and seem to be OK. The
> first (ka.owl) is Lite, the other two are DL. "galen.owl" is (part of)
> the well known Galen medical terminology ontology - classifying this
> ontology should prove an interesting challenge for new reasoner
> implementations.

In particular (speaking from experience), there are some
less-than-obvious subsumption relationships in galen.owl - and it
doesn't even use several of the more interesting features of DL.  What
Ian (characteristically) hasn't said is that this fragment of the Galen
KB is something of a benchmark for DL reasoners; the fastest
implementation of a description logic (SHF, not OWL DL) of which I am
aware can calculate the full subsumption hierarchy of galen.owl in a
hair under 10 seconds on a 2GHz Pentium, excluding the file load time.

Ian, do you also have a list of expected subsumptions in galen.owl?  It
would provide a useful target for DL reasoner implementations.

		- Peter
Peter Crowther, Director, Melandra Limited

Received on Friday, 25 July 2003 07:36:12 UTC