Withdrawing HP's objection to OWL DL Syntax

HP withdraws the formal objection to the resolution of 5.26 OWL DL Syntax
indicated in:


   Substantively, the majority of the concerns raised in this issue [1] 
were met in the issue resolution. The remaining substantive concerns to do 
with: structure sharing with bnodes representing class descriptions (B.1 
B.2) [2]
and use of bnodes representing individuals have received attention in the
last call. The latter resulting in a new postponed issue (6.1) [3] and the
former resulting in this aspect of the design being labelled as at risk of
change during CR. Moreover, the WG has agreed to CR exit criteria including
"two owl syntax checkers passing all tests". [4] This combination ensures
that either our fears that the current design is too complex will prove
unfounded, or be demonstrated by implementators' experience (with our
preferred design being ready as an alternative).

Overall, sufficient attention has been paid to these syntactic issues 
during last call; and the WG has agreed that further attention will be 
needed during Candidate Recommendation.

While we share many of the concerns expressed by Dave Beckett [5] 
concerning the manner of the specification, these are essentially editorial 
rather than substantive concerns, and hence do not, in our opinion, merit a 
formal objection.

Jeremy Carroll, HP Representative


Received on Friday, 25 July 2003 06:47:11 UTC