Re: Minutes of the beer session

Jim: Jul 22 2003 
> if you can claim victory 
> on that, please let us know

I claimed victory on 4 June.
I have repeatedly asked for telecon time; and the chairs have not prioritised 
this (there was a scheduling constraint that it needed both me and Peter)

I feel increasingly angry that the chairs agree to assign me an action, which 
required a significant amount of effort on my part, and then ignore the 

Jeremy: 04 Jun 2003
> We can weaken the constraint on blank nodes corresponding to descriptions 
> and dataranges to be that all directed cycles of such nodes must have an 
> owl:equivalentClass or owl:disjointWith triple.

(and again)
Jeremy: 20 Jun
> Copying from peter's msg, and filling in the holes ...

agenda requests


Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 01:11:29 UTC