Re: Proposed (parital) response to Ken Laskey and questions for WG

At 1:29 PM -0400 7/17/03, wrote:
>Jim Hendler wrote:
>>At 10:15 AM -0400 7/16/03, Jeff Heflin wrote:
>>>Before I send the message I'd like to see if the WG has a preference on
>>>whether or not we need to include some discussion of how OWL meets our
>>>requirements somewhere in our document set. This was a theme that ran
>>>throughout Ken's post.
>>I sort of like this idea - What about if we had an appendix to the
>>reqs document that directed people to the appropriate document parts
>>-- that way it wouldn't require a lot of new text?  Could be a table
>>like  (these are random - not tracking the real things):
>>O1	"Realized via mapping to RDF"		http://sas/
>>O2	"Issue raised, but postponed"		http://issues...
>>R1	"Realized via mapping to RDF"		http://ref/...
>>R2	"see owl:sameAs"			http://guide/...
>Ken Lasky's email shows that something like this would be helpful.
>Jim's suggested approach is concise and does the job.  It does look
>like fair amount of work to put together, though.

If the WG decides to go to CR, I think this would be a good thing to 
do during CR (because to get to PR it would be good to show we filled 
all our requirements) and I think Ken would be okay with that -- if 
Jeff or someone else is willing to take resoponsibility for this, 
then I will be happy to compose such a response
  any takers?

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  *** 240-277-3388 (Cell)      *** NOTE CHANGED CELL NUMBER ***

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2003 18:18:12 UTC