Re: WOWG: minutes Jul 10 telecon

Guus Schreiber wrote:
>Jos De_Roo wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>22. RDFCore Comments on OWL Reference
>>>>ACTION: Frank van Harmelen to respond to one open element (rdfs:Class
>>>>vs. owl:Class)
>>>WITHDRAWN; transferred to PatH
>>>ACTION PatH: draft rationale for rdfs:Class vs. owl:Class situation
>>>(less controversial than last time)
>> I was joining late and missed the disicussion; my bad
>> What I was also trying to say at the end of the telecon
>> (but had no chance due to sound prloblems) was that
>> I am stuck at the following:
>> When D is a consistent OWL Lite/DL document then
>> it is not necessarily a consistent OWL Full document
>> for example the document
>> owl:Thing owl:oneOf _:x.
>> _:x rdf:first eg:a.
>> _:x rdf:rest _:y.
>> _:y rdf:first eg:b.
>> _:y rdf:rest rdf:nil.
>> seems to be DL consistent but Full inconsistent.
>Is it DL consistent?
> From App E of Reference (Sean's rules of thumb for OWL DL):
>Don't mess with the vocabulary
>The built-in properties and classes should not be redefined. In general
>this means that things in the OWL, RDF or RDFS namespaces should not
>appear as subjects of triples.

As far as I can see in S&AS, IOT, the set of OWL individuals,
is not defined anywhere, it is just constrained to be a subset
of RI.
So above is DL consistent, as well as

eg:myClass owl:oneOf ...
eg:myClass owl:equivalentClass owl:Thing.

is DL consistent, but Full inconsistent.


>> We try to make our assumptions explicit in a "global" sense
>> (using URI's, triples, implications and some such)
>> and I can't see those for owl:Class and owl:Thing
>> (seems to me that everybody could mean it's own local thing)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 11 July 2003 09:31:27 UTC