Jonathan Borden response to 'Next step for OWL - are we ready to move to Candidate and/or Proposed Recommendation'

Here are the answers submitted to 'Next step for OWL - are we ready to move to Candidate and/or Proposed Recommendation' (Web Ontology Working Group)
for Jonathan Borden.

What to do next?
The next step for the OWL documents should be:  (Short CR = 3-8 weeks; long CR is longer than that, perhaps up to 6 months).
ChoicePrefersCan Live with
Move to PR.( )[x]
Have a short CR iff RDF Core not yet ready for PR.(x)[ ]
Have a short CR irrespective of RDF Core( )[x]
Have a long CR period( )[ ]
Other - explained in comment field( )[ ]

Comments (or a URI pointing to it): 

These answers were last modified on 8 July 2003 at 08:01:12 E.S.T.
by Jonathan Borden

You can check and modify your answers at until 2003-07-09.


 The Automatic WBS Mailer

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 08:02:03 UTC