Re: Agenda/Logistics for July 3 telecon

At 5:23 PM -0500 7/2/03, Dan Connolly wrote:
>On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 20:32, Jim Hendler wrote:
>>  2.b other comments still pending (now under 10!)
>This seems to be missing the "OWL S&AS: Translation to RDF Graphs"
>thread; last week we discussed Dave's most recent message...
>and while nobody really took the whole ball, there was one action...
>ACTION: JeffH report back to the WG on whether SeanBs document
>to the issue

Dan - good catch, and I'd especially direct people to JEff's message
where he suggests a possible direction to go in answering Dave B.


>>  3. unspecified domain,range in App. C of OWL Language Reference 31
>>  March
>>  2003
>>  CONTINUED: 12Jun ACTION: Mike Dean to respond.
>>  12. Re: privacy in OWL
>>  ACTION: Guus S. to propose response. (moved to JimH)
>>  21. daml:item
>>  ACTION: Jim Hendler. Respond with pointer to Issue 5.5.
>>  22. RDFCore Comments on OWL Reference
>>  Guus sent partial response.
>>  ACTION: Frank van Harmelen to respond to one open element.
>>  25. Comments on Owl REF document
>>  DONE: 12Jun ACTION: Guus (sent to WG, approved by Dan)
>>  ACTION: Guus to send.
>>  28. Non-global Keys
>>  Compound keys not in response.
>>  ACTION: Guus to find record of decision and propose Issue to be
>>  postponed.
>>  ACTION: Jim Hendler to add to proposed response.
>>  32. Language Overview Document editorial comments
>>  DONE: 12Jun ACTION: Frank.
>>  12Jun minute: Frank to respond, editorial
>>  WAITING FOR ACK. We think.
>>  ACTION: Guus to find our response.
>>  34. Could owl:sameAs reference non-OWL resources?
>>  12Jun minute: Pat to respond
>>  ACTION: Guus to check status.
>>  38. QA Review of owl-semantics
>>  Sandro sent proposed reply.
>>  ACTION: Jeremy, Jeff.
>>  All editors add link from their document to ALL others.
>Dan Connolly, W3C

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  *** 240-277-3388 (Cell)      *** NOTE CHANGED CELL NUMBER ***

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 20:26:45 UTC