small error in S&AS


Reading thtrough Appendix A.2 of the editor's draf of S&AS I found:

Let RI' = CEXTI(I(owl:Thing)) + CEXTI(I(owl:ObjectProperty)) + 
CEXTI(I(owl:IndividualProperty)) + CEXTI(I(owl:Class)) + 
CEXTI(I(rdf:List)) + RI, where + is disjoint union.

owl:IndividualProperty -> owl:DatatypeProperty

In fact, you probaly meant it to read:

Let RI' = CEXTI(I(owl:Thing)) + CEXTI(I(owl:DatatypeProperty)) + 
CEXTI(I(owl:ObjectProperty)) + CEXTI(I(owl:Class)) + CEXTI(I(rdf:List)) 
+ RI, where + is disjoint union.

as the text further down says:

In essence the first component of RI' is OWL individuals, the second 
component of RI' is OWL datatype properties, the third component of RI' 
is OWL object properties, ......


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Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 10:40:20 UTC