Please update OWL Test results -- today if possible

If OWL progresses to Proposed Recommendation, as I hope it will do
very soon, the member companies will be asked to consider whether OWL
should become a W3C Recommendation.  They will be given a link to the
OWL Test Results page [1] as evidence of wide implementation, so the
more green on the page, the better the prospects for OWL.

I just noticed that only one feed (Bossam) has been updated since the
changes to the editor's test suite [2] on 4 December.   Those changes
were mostly involved Proposed tests, so I don't expect any surprises,
but I think it would still be a very good idea to re-run the tests.  I
also hope some OWL implementation have improved.   We have a few 100%
columns on the reasoning tests; it would be nice to see a lot more.

The target date for PR was three days ago, and we obviously didn't
make it, but it might still happen very soon.  So there's some urgency
here.  Improvements in the weeks to come would still be useful, of
course.  If you know someone producing data who I missed on the "To"
field, or who might not be reading their e-mail today, please try to let
them know.

If there's a possibility that your system has regressed on some tests,
feel free to use a different URL for the new results, so you or I can
easily see the differences.  Just let me know the new URL, of course.

   -- sandro


Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 10:39:49 UTC