Minutes: Telecon 3rd April 2003

Not part of minutes

Scribe note: in reading the IRC log I see we discussed but did not
assign the following actions:
ACTION smith Add change log appendix to editors draft.
ACTION heflin Add change log appendix to editors draft.
ACTION mcguiness Add change log appendix to editors draft.
ACTION patel-schneider Add change log appendix to editors draft.
ACTION dean Add change log appendix to editors draft.
ACTION hendler Ask for some pre-LC comments to be resent.


03 April 2003

Chair: Hendler
Scribe: Jeremy Carroll


0) Executive Summary

New actions:
ACTION connolly look into redirects to fix semantic linking problem
ACTION heflin Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION mcguinness Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION dean Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION patel-schneider Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION smith Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.

1) ADMIN (10 min)

1.1 Roll call

Finin, Carroll, Mike_Smith, Heflin, Hendler, Connolly, 
ter Horst, Patel-Schneider, Dean, McGuinness, Obrst, Horrocks

Thompson, De Roo, Dale, Stantion, Sabbouh, Gibbins, alSafadi,
Euzenat, Wallace, Bechhofer

1.2 Minutes previous telecon

The following minutes approved, as amended.
Proposal to accept as a true record of the March 27, 2003 telcon:

1.3 Agenda amendments

1.4 Telecon schedule

- next telecon:  April 10
- Chair: Schreiber
- scribe for April 10: TBD

This conflicts with a DAML meeting, but telecon going ahead anyway.
No scribe assigned.

1.5 Last Call announcement and distribution update

See: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Apr/0002.html
Sent to: DAML lists, seweb, ontoweb, omg, and maybe fipa

1.6 ACTION Item Review

ACTION: DanC request review by internationalisation board of decision
        on datatypes.

ACTION: Patel-Schneider to work on proof for issue 5.26 B1,B2
 (target completion date 17th April)

ACTION: Jeff Heflin to add reference section to requirements document

ACTION: chairs to send email to WG discussing handling of LC comments
  (completed straight telecon after see:


ACTION: chairs to include discussion of presentation syntax in next
        telecon. - DONE
ACTION: Hendler to produce Last Call Memo - DONE

ACTION connolly look into redirects to fix semantic linking problem

2.0 Discussion of Last Call Comment Handling


Hendler presented the material in
(note the above e-mail was *not* available during the telecon).
The parts number II.1, II.2 and II.3 in the e-mail message are referrred
to as (a) (b) (c) in the IRC log.
Discussion and other points that came up included:
There are now strict process rules about making changes to the documents.
Patel-Schneider characterised the difference between (b) and (c) as 
(b) is changes to the wording without changing meaning
(c) is changes to the meaning. 
Connolly characterised the difference as (c) changes test cases or code.

Change Logs

Change logs were discussed.
There was no disagreement with the suggestion that change logs should
be added to the documents to be included in Candidate Rec or Proposed Rec.
There was resistence to listing every typo correction.

Issue Tracker
Connolly presented:
It regards an issue as a thread on the mailing list.
A closed issue is a thread in which some message starts with "[closed]".
An open issue is a thread that is not closed.
Hendler clarified that issue tracking is still experimental.

Editors Drafts
There was discussion concerning accessibility and visibility of
editors drafts.
Many spoke of the importance of having the LC docs reviewed, and
not an editors draft.
Some wanted the links to the editors drafts to be removed from
the WG homepage. Some wanted the links to the editors draft to
be moved to a different section lower down on the the WG homepage
(or equivalently for the links to the LC docs to be moved up).
No decision was made, and the homepage is left unchanged (to
be reviewed if we get problems).
We agreed to add prominent notices just under the title of every 
editors draft (except Test Cases) to indicate that reviewers should
review the LC document.
ACTION heflin Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION mcguinness Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION dean Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION patel-schneider Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.
ACTION smith Add second line to editors draft pointing at LC.

Comments from WG members & early Comments
The final part of the discussion concerned comments made before
LC on the public comment lists, and comments from WG members.
We decided to ask the early commentors to resend comments sent
before LC.
WG members should not send comments to public-webont-comments
but should continue to discuss technical issues on www-webont-wg.
Hendler: we do want to hear of bugs from WG members.

3.0 BRIEF Discussion of reworking of Guide for "cultural" issues
   3.1 Wine example
No links.

ACTION smith use more food examples to augment wine examples

Smith asserted that any replacements will be identical constructs.

   3.2 Firstname/Lastname
(links not given in meeting)
ACTION heflin Change firstname/lastname to e-mail.


4.0 Discussion of Presentation Syntax Documents
 - not reached

5.0  A.O.B
 - none

Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 02:22:42 UTC