Re: Possible semantic bugs concerning domain and range

>(This may sound like I'm speaking for Pat, but actually I'm trying to
>verify if I understand his position)

Heaven forfend that you should ever find yourself speaking for me, Chris.

>I think what I'm getting out of trying to ingest the discussion is that
>Pat wants the semantics of ranges to be something like, in a "free
>wheeling" syntax:
>Property(p) -> EXISTS c . Class(c) AND Range(p,c)
>Property(p) AND Range(p,c1) AND Range (p,c2) -> c1=c2
>p(x,y) AND Range(p,c) -> c(y)
>So he wants there to be one and only one class that is THE range of a

No, no. Im sorry I ever said this awful thing. I was trying to convey 
an intuition but I did it badly. Better, what Im trying to say is 
that I want it to be possible to have a *particular set* of ranges. I 
don't mind if that set is closed under intersections, even. But I do 
mind if Im forced to say that a set is a range just because all the 
values of the property are in it. That should be a necessary but not 
sufficient condition to be a range. I want it to be possible to 
restrict rangehood to some special class of classes.

>  Your entailment below should still be OK, ie
>Subclass(c1,c2) AND Range(p,c1) AND p(x,y)  |= c2(y)
>Subclass(c1,c2) AND Range(p,c1) |= Range(p,c2)

Right on that.

>If this is an accurate account of Pat's position, then the argument
>against the entailments in OWL regarding superclasses of property ranges
>is that it abuses the Range relation between a property and a class, and
>violates the uniqueness axiom above.

The former, yes; latter, no. Never mind about uniqueness, sorry I 
ever gave that impression.


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Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 23:54:02 UTC