summary on feature synopsis document (ACTION from last telecon)

This attempts to be an executive summary of the comments on the feature
synopsis document.

It is a followon to a previous summary [1].
It is broken into language design comments and document form comments.

A few themes emerge:
- positive feedback on both Full OWL and OWL Lite
- plea for special names for limited cardinalities (this may be along
the lines of the original proposed naming scheme)
- perhaps remove symmetric and transitive from OWL Lite
- previous theme of a request for hasValue in OWL Lite as well as oneof

Design comments

- strongly positive on both Full OWL and OWL Light
- plea for special names for ltd. cardinalities
- perhaps remove symmetric and transitive

- overall
- introduce special names for ltd cardinalities in OWL Light
- emphasise lack of upward compatability with RDF(S)
- remove transitive and symmetric from OWL Light
- put list-constructors from DAML+OIL back in
- drop Full OWL, and stop at OWL Light

- introduce special names for ltd cardinalities in OWL Light
- provide a general "metadata for ontologies" placeholder,
  rather than deciding on specific pieces of metadata.

- overal positive feedback
- OWL Lite is wrong name (doesn't suggest stepping stone to Full OWL)
- a number of fixable (fixed) small problems

- confusion on RDF/OWL relation
  (is every RDF doc an OWL doc, or vice versa?)

- technical problem with Importing terms from RDF/RDFS"
  (as done in the DAML+OIL def.) fix provided

Form comments:
- provide quick difference lists between DAML+OIL and OWL/OWL Light

- decide between writing a primer or a reference card
- various style comments

- avoid "Individual" as a word

- various style/formatting/fixable comments


Frank and Deborah

 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)
801 705 0941

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2002 03:39:51 UTC