Re: possible semantic bugs concerning domain and range

>From: "Jonathan Borden" <>
>Subject: Re: possible semantic bugs concerning domain and range
>Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 17:55:38 -0400
>  > Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:


>Think of what happens if you assert
>  foo rdfs:range ex:OddInteger .
>  ex:OddInteger rdfs:subClassOf ex:Integer .
>  foo rdfs:range ex:Integer .
>Aside from the actual rdfs:range stuff, this has the same interpretations

Yes, but we are TALKING about the actual rdfs:range stuff. This is 
like saying, apart from their nationality, people are the same (true) 
therefore they all have the same nationality (false).


>  foo rdfs:range ex:OddInteger .
>  ex:OddInteger rdfs:subClassOf ex:Integer .
>so why shouldn't a range of foo be ex:Integer?

Because it isn't; but more seriously, because you might want to 
associate some significant information with that range class, 
information that you do not want to associate with ex:Integer (such 
as, for example, that the class is a proper subclass of ex:Integer). 
Classes can be a lot more than their extensions.


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Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 22:57:44 UTC