possible semantic bugs concerning domain and range

Ah, it occurs to me that one of the bugs that Peter may have been 
referring to is my use of rdfs:range and rdfs:domain.  Peter 
apparently believes that the RDFS semantics for these are wrong and 
need correcting. However, I disagree, and do not propose to alter 
them in the RDFS MT. If OWL needs to use different notions then OWL 
should introduce and use owl:domain and owl:range rather than use the 
RDFS vocabulary. I would however suggest that the adoption of a 
different mechanism at such a basic level might be a decision which 
should be examined very carefully, as it has many repercussions (eg 
for datatyping mechanisms). I havn't seen any good arguments for it, 
which is why I simply used the RDFS notions in the document.


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Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 00:21:36 UTC