Re: LANG: need to CLOSE Issue 5.6 Imports as magic syntax

On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 10:06, Jonathan Borden wrote:
> Frank van Harmelen wrote:
> >
> > QUESTION: without an explicit imports construct,
> >           how can I ever use the contents of someURI2,
> >           which contains the range definition of someURI1#Prop1 ?
> >
> > I find this question so obvious that I fear it will have been answered
> > before by the proponents of the "no import in OWL-v1", and I have
> > probably just missed the answer to this. If so, please can someone point
> me
> > to it?
> >
> > This answer is so important to me because I could not live with OWL if the
> > above scenario were not possible. Note: there is nothing fuzzy here
> > concerning
> > trust, commitment, asserting-or-not, etc. I just want to understand how I
> can
> > specify to my reaoner from which premises it should draw its conclusions.
> >
> Good argument. This one seems to be compelling that we have an explicit
> imports.
> Aside from that, daml:imports *is* part of DAML+OIL

well, sorta... we never did figure out exactly what it means.

And Mike Dean himself has reported that most users get by
without it.

> and we really should
> make some attempt to stick to keeping such features of DAML+OIL in OWL
> unless there is some consensus *against*.

I'm not sure what you mean by "some consensus"; yes, stuff that's
in DAML+OIL stays in unless we decide to take it out.

Like any decision, we aim for consensus, but if we don't
have time to get it, we can make a decision with
outstanding dissent (i.e. the chair can put the question).

> Given that this is part of
> DAML+OIL, I find the arguments that owl:imports is somehow outside the scope
> of WebOnt WG less than compelling.

Who has argued that it's out of scope?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Sunday, 10 November 2002 17:38:48 UTC