- From: Evan Wallace <ewallace@cme.nist.gov>
- Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 11:32:04 -0400 (EDT)
- To: www-webont-wg@w3.org
Here are some comments on Guus Schrieber's UML based presentation syntax document [1] per my action item. First, it is worth noting that there has been considerable work done exploring the potential to use UML for ontology development. [2] provides a short survey of this work (including the work of Sandpiper, LMC, CODIP, etc.) with extensive web references. A number of these efforts defined mappings from UML to DAML. One such mapping can be found in [3] and another can be found directly on the UBOT website <http://ubot.lockheedmartin.com/ubot/details/uml_to_daml.html>. We should definitely compare our mapping to these if we continue to pursue this presentation syntax. (BTW - the issue regarding the mapping for property to UML associations was mentioned in both [2] and [3], and is being discussed in the ongoing work for UML V2 -- see http://www.omg.org/uml for more on UML 2). Second, my perspective on this mapping comes from experiences using UML and its predecessors for conceptual modeling for the manufacturing domain. Important aspects of the mapping would therefore relate to how natural the use of this presentation syntax would be for a person with similar experience to my own. In short, I think Guus' mapping succeeds from this perspective. But another important issue for me is the exact form of the mapping. I would like to see us define a UML profile for OWL so that existing UML tools could be used to model OWL ontologies which then could generate XMI renderings of the model mappable to OWL transfer syntax. Otherwise we may run into intellectual property issues if we try to co-opt certain UML graphical constructs for our own independent use (particularly if they have different meaning from UML). Specific comments on [1] follow: UML reference The "UML User Guide" mentioned at the end of the "Purpose of this document" section is a tutorial and not a reference. While the canonical reference for UML 1.x is the OMG specification[4], I suggest we use the "UML Reference Manual" [5] which is a sister publication to the UML User Guide. This is what I used to check the semantics and notation for UML constructs used in [1]. Primitive class note UML classes are primitiveClasses. After all the discussion regarding primitive and defined classes on the webont list, I am unsure that a notion of primitive class will exist at all in OWL. This seems like it could be a problem for a UML presentation syntax. At a minimum, the issue will need to be clearly identified and explained for users of the UML presentation syntax. UML notation for generalization relationships A minor comment: There are two more common notations for representing a set of generalization relationships (the UML construct for defining subclasses) than that shown in the figure labelled "A class with two subclasses." These are: the tree notation and a set of individual straight arrows. The mapping document should state that notation shown are just examples and that the mapping doesn't prohibit other UML notational options unless specifically stated. Multiple appearances of a class Many of the examples in [1] show a given class appearing multiple times in a single diagram. As Chris Welty pointed out, it is unusual for this to occur in a single UML diagram. It is, however; expected that objects _will_ appear in multiple Class diagrams (making up a single model) and that such appearances can introduce "additional relationships and attachments to a class." Furthermore, I didn't find anything in the description of Class or Class Diagram in [5] which precludes the style that Guus used in his examples. Chris's cycle issue exists whether or not use of this style is permitted. Associations that "loop" like this (i.e. domain and range are restricted to instances of the same class) are not uncommon in UML models. If OWL has a problem with this, then we would need to clearly explain the problem and its work-around in the mapping document. Cardinality on UML associations and OWL subset UML allows a pretty flexible specification of cardinality (UML:multiplicity range) for each side of an association. This flexibility is widely exploited in UML based domain models. Therefore, whatever OWL language set is used to support the UML presentation syntax should also fully support this expressiveness in specifying local cardinality. Association generalization relationships According to [5] a pair of associations need not be association classes in order to create a generalization (subtype) relationship between them. Thus it is not obvious that "The clearest way of modelling a subproperty relation is to model the associations involved as a UML association class" as claimed in [1] (perhaps this choice was actually motivated more by the capabilities of particular tools then by the features of UML). It is true that modelling properties this way would get us closer to representing this with a first class object, but it fails to address the key concern motivating that goal. Even association classes must have their end points tied to particular classes (i.e. they still can't have an identity independent of the classes that they will associate). Having said all that, I don't disagree with this choice (modelling properties with association classes). Besides it still would be necessary to do this in order to make use of the scheme for modelling metaproperties shown in the "Transitive property" section of [1]. Notation for transitive metaproperty This section states, "The instance-of relation is shown in UML through a dependency with an <<instance>> stereotype." According to [5,p412] the terms here are switched. It should read, "The instance relationship is shown in UML through a dependency with an <<instanceOf>> stereotype." Note also that "<<instanceOf>>" should be substituted in place of "<<instance>>" in all the figures where it appears. Disjoint constraint The discussion and example using the predefined UML constraint "disjoint" may be misleading to many readers. This UML constraint actually applies to a set of generalization relationships to a common parent and not to a set of classes per se. As such, it would normally be shown as an annotation on a set of generalizations (again, represented as a tree or a set of straight arrows). Furthermore, since UML classes don't all share common ancestry, applying such constraints across arbitrary classes would not ordinarily be valid. Summary: As I mentioned before, I think that [1] is an excellent start at creating a UML based presentation syntax for OWL. The efforts noted in [2] show that there is sufficient interest to justify developing such a syntax. A discussion of issues encountered when mapping between the languages is covered in section 5 of [3] (in a few pages). A couple of the authors of these papers have offered to review the next generation of Guus' paper when we are ready. Finally, there is even mechanism and a constituency at OMG through which we could formalize the mapping between these languages as a UML profile. This would be done after OWL was released as a proposed recommendation. [1] "Scheiber. "A UML Presentation Syntax for OWL Lite". http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/usr/Schreiber/docs/owl-uml/owl-uml.html [2] Kogut, Cranefield, Hart, Dutra, Baclawski, Kokar, and Smith. "UML for Ontology Development" <http://ubot.lockheedmartin.com/ubot/papers/publication/KER4.doc> to appear in Knowledge Engineering Review Journal Special Issue on Ontologies in Agent Systems [3] Baclawski, Kokar, Kogut, Hart Smith Holmes, Letkowski, and Aronson (2001) "Extending UML to Support Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web" Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on UML (UML2001), <http://ubot.lockheedmartin.com/ubot/papers/publication/UMLOntology.pdf> [4] OMG (2001). "Unified Modeling Language (UML) version 1.4." <http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/uml.htm> [5] Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch (1999). "The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual" Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-30998-X ******* Evan K. Wallace Manufacturing Systems Integration Division NIST ewallace@nist.gov
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