minutes from the small group webont meeting on june 10 in sardinia

WebOnt Language Meeting on feature Synopsis Document for OWL and the
limited OWL Language (previously called compliance level 1, now called
OWL Lite)

Location: Sardinia at the ISWC meeting
Date: June 10, 2002


Mike Dean
Frank van Harmelen
Jim Hendler
Ian Horrocks
Deborah McGuinness
Peter Patel-Schneider
Guus Schreiber
Noboru Shimizu

Chair:  Deborah McGuinness

1 – Naming:  The title for the limited portion of OWL was discussed.
Previously we had called this compliance level 1.  We agreed to call the
limited portion OWL Lite.

2 – Number of documents:

The general issue of integration of what was previously called the
compliance level 1 document was discussed.  We agreed to have 3

A – The document previously submitted by McGuinness.  This was agreed to
have a title of Feature Synopsis for the OWL Web Ontology Language and
it was agreed that the document would contain a description of OWL Lite
and the OWL language.  McGuinness and van Harmelen have are updating the
document and will provide it no later than June 24.
(small status update - mcguinness has received input from van harmelen
and is incorporating).

B – The document that is an update to the DAML+OIL document.
Some have referred to this as the OWL syntax synopsis document.
The name agreed on is the
OWL Reference Description Document
Mike Dean will provide an update to the document.

C – The document previously called: Feature Synopsis of the OWL Ontology
The agreed upon name is the:
Formal Specification of the OWL Web Ontology Language.

Peter, Ian, Frank, and Deborah all offered to help with the document and
Peter will send out an update to the document.

3 – Constructors in level 1/ OWL Lite.
We reached consensus to maintain the features in OWL Lite in accordance
with the proposal submitted by McGuinness on May 26 at:
with the following modification.
Cardinality will be reduced to include only
Atleast 1
Atmost 1
Exactly 1
Exactly 0

4 – Deliverables from participants of this meeting for f2f  -
The 3 documents mentioned in topic 2 above.

Note  - document naming was confirmed at the Sardinia branch of the
Thursday evening webont conference call.


 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 email: dlm@ksl.stanford.edu
 URL: http://ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)
801 705 0941

Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2002 14:53:08 UTC