Re: TEST: mapVocab and Euler [was: LANG: closing issue 4.6]


> > just that
> >
> > is then not entailing anymore
> >
> > unless it would say
> > :all ont:equivalentTo ont:intersectionOf.
> > (at least, that's what we have tested)
> That looks like a bug.

right, it was one; thanks for pointing out

> From
>    :all ont:samePropertyAs ont:intersectionOf.
> and
>    { :rule6a . :p rdfs:subPropertyOf :r . :s :p :o } log:implies { :s :r
> :o } .
> and
>    owl:samePropertyAs a rdf:Property; rdfs:subPropertyOf
> rdfs:subPropertyOf .
> we should get
>       :all rdfs:subPropertyOf ont:intersectionOf.
> Then, from
>   :BigTall :all (:Big :Tall).
> and rule6a, we should get
>   :BigTall ont:intersectionOf (:Big :Tall).
> and so on.


> Maybe a namespace name mismatch somewhere?

well no (although we changed to
at that point in time) it had to do with variable
predicates (again, like the situation a year ago...)

> Also: I don't see anything in your rules that
> says samePropertyAs is symmetric.

well it's now done in a rdfs combined fashion per
{ :rule4p1 . ?p owl:samePropertyAs ?r . ?s ?p ?o } log:implies { ?s ?r ?o 
} .
{ :rule4p2 . ?p owl:samePropertyAs ?r . ?s ?r ?o } log:implies { ?s ?p ?o 
} .

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

PS the outcome is like

# Generated with on 26 Jul 2002 
17:06:17 GMT
# for query
# given {[],[]}

@prefix ont: <>.
@prefix ns: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix ex: <>.
@prefix math: <>.
@prefix nsns: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

  <> .
  :bill a :BigTall.
    <> .
    :BigTall :all ( :Big :Tall)} log:implies
  {:BigTall owl:intersectionOf ( :Big :Tall)}.
    <> } log:implies
  {( :Big :Tall) owl:item :Big}} log:implies
{:bill a :Big}.
  <> .
  :bill a :BigTall.
    <> .
    :BigTall :all ( :Big :Tall)} log:implies
  {:BigTall owl:intersectionOf ( :Big :Tall)}.
    <> .
      <> } log:implies
    {( :Tall) owl:item :Tall}} log:implies
  {( :Big :Tall) owl:item :Tall}} log:implies
{:bill a :Tall}.

# Proof found for in 72 steps 
(39344 steps/sec)

Received on Friday, 26 July 2002 13:14:27 UTC