ADMIN: Agenda for July 25, 2002 telecon

NOTE to Peter P-S, Deb M., and Mike D. - please send pointers to 
latest version of your WDs to the mailing list.
Note to WG - I am having trouble w/web access - apologies for not 
having pointers to the Issues under discussion.

July 25, 2002

1200 US East Coast
0900 US West Coast
1700 London

Duration: 60-90 minutes


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Simultaneous IRC Chat (port 6665)

Chair: Jim Hendler
Scribe: Leo Obrst (not on Irc)

Minutes of previous meeting:

1 - Admin:

ACTION DanC to raise an issue wrt rdfs:subclassof and

ACTION Connoly to get the OK'd for the OWL URI by the W3C

ACTION Pat will attempt to take abstract syntax, and Peter's MT and
the mapping into RDF and will write a model theory in the Connolly
style (i.e. as an extension to RDF MT) and see if he can identify
the exact issues. Target deadline: three weeks (July 25). - change of 
due date to Aug 1.

ACTION Guus will generate a structure in which the examples should
appear by July 11. This will also include one example.
Evan Wallace and Larry Eshelman: contribute examples

ACTION Evan will writeup a description of a recent OMG meeting that
concerned UML and OWL, and the process he is running at OMG, and
will post that to the WG.

ACTION  (all): send to WebOnt mailing list a short
description of the tools you have available.
or that you will use to help tools.

ACTION  (Raphael): will make a large ontology available to test

ACTION Hendler produce test for issue 4.2

ACTION ChrisW to propose resolution of 3.4 and 4.1

ACTION: connolly review abstract syntax

ACTION: chairs - find photo of face to face example from the 
discussion of model theory.

ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing 
discussion of model theory in the log

ACTION: Jim H will set up a straw poll based on the offers - this 
will include choices of Dec/Jan and place

ACTION: Deb - add "property" to make sure we are using same terms.

ACTION: Deb to make sure names are same between her document and Mike's.

ACTION: DanC to review Deb's final edits of feature document.

ACTION: Mike will summarize changes in email to the list. (by next week)

ACTION: Peter - will review appendix C.

ACTION: JimH to draft press release - solicits input ASAP from WG members.

Face to Face Updates:

  f2f4  update (Jeremy)
  f2f5 update  (REMEMBER BIDS DUE BY THURS.)
    Bids: U. Manchester
          US NY region (IBM)
          US DC region (DARPA/UMCP/UMBC - not confirmed)
          US FL region (U W. Fl)
   straw poll to be held
    date: Mid Jan (poss late Dec)

2 - document update
  Status of three WDs
   Features - Deb
   Reference - Mike
   Abst Syntax - Peter
    Process issues (if any) - Dan
(Note to editors - please provide most up to date pointers to the documents)

3 - Proposal to close issues 3.4 and 4.1
	(UniqueProperty and UnambiguousProperty)

4 - Proposal to close issue 2.4  (oneOf)
   Discussed several meetings ago, discussion was expected in email, 
there was none,  Propose we return and close (accepting this much 
used feature)

5 - Proposal to close issue 4.6 (equivalentTo)
Much discussion on Mailing List - proposed closing suggested by J. 
Hendler in email sent around 11PM EST on July 24 (apologies for not 
having archive access)

6 -    Opening of issue 5.20 ( Should OWL provide synonyms for RDF 
and RDFS objects?)
     Peter P-S to explain issue and invite email discussion

7 - AOB
   next telecon
   next scribe
Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-731-3822 (Cell)

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 23:09:47 UTC