GUIDE: co-authoring

Hi Michael,

I can co-author the document if you wish. 

Regarding the outline.

I would keep the introduction with a motivation
at the beginning (even if this might not provide instant gratification).
and add some reading guidelines / reading track proposals.

I would put history and Background into seperate sections and one
may consider putting them into an appendix.

The housekeeping topic should move to the back.

Individuals only do make sense once you have properties, thus
those two sections kind of counter depend. 

In my opinion, entailments should be discussed throughout
the document, idioms may go into a section tips&tricks.


- Introduction
  	- Motivation
	- Quick Feature Wrap Up
	- Structure of doc / reading tracks

OWL Lite

- Entities in the World of OWL:
	- Classes
	- Properties
		- Domain/Range Constraints
	- Individuals
	- Datatypes

- Simple Property Definitions
	- subPropertyOf
	- algebraic properties
		- transitive
		- functional
		- symmetric
		- inverse
		- equivalence
	- What do I get ? --> Entailments

- Simple Class Definitions
	- Inheritance
		- Multiple Inheritance
	- Equivalence
	- Multiple Instantiation of Classes

- Instances
	- Different
	- Equal

OWL Full

- Extended Property Definitions
	- Cardinalities
	- ...

- Complex Class Definitions (Defined Classes)
	- Set-Operations
	- Property Constraints
	- ...

- Tips & Tricks
	- Idioms


- History
	- KR History (?)
	- OIL

- Background
	- URI
	- XML
	- Namespace
	- RDF

- References

- Housekeeping 
  - Setting up namespaces 
  - Ontology headers
  - Importing ontologies (w/ forward pointer to Ontology Mapping)
  - Dublin Core metadata (????)
- Simple Classes and Individuals
  - Defining simple hierarchical named classes (class, subClassOf)
  - Defining individuals (individual)
- Datatypes (user-defined XML Schema datatypes) 
- Simple Properties 
  - Defining properties (property, subPropertyOf, domain, range)
  - Part-whole relations (????)
- Property axioms (characteristics and restrictions)
  - transitive, symmetric, functional 
  - isTheOnlyOne, eachValueFrom, someValueFrom
  - simple cardinality 
- Ontology mapping 
  - sameClassAs, samePropertyAs
  - sameIndividualAs, differentIndividualFrom 
- Complex Classes (axioms and constructive classes)
  - Class relations - oneOf (enumerated classes) 
  - Class relations - disjoint classes
  - Class relations - sameClassAs, subClassOf applied to class expressions 
  - unionOf, intersectionOf, complementOf 
- Complex Property axioms
  - Full cardinality
  - Defining property attributes (transitive, ...)
  - Defining property restrictions 
- Idioms (????)
  How to assert commonly desired relations whose expression in OWL 
  may not be obvious. 
- Entailments (????)
  E.g. how to ask questions of a KB.
  Is this too implementation specific?  Not all OWL implementations
  will support full OWL reasoning. 
  - Questions about classes     (all x: C(x) -> P(x,b))
  - Questions about individuals (C(a), P(a,b))
  - Retrieveal of sets of individuals ({x : C(x)}, {x : P(x,b)})
  - ...

plus references and some appendices:

- OWL, DAML+OIL and RDF Schema (issues involved in transitioning) 

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 09:09:11 UTC