Re: How to close issue 5.13 - internet media type for OWL

> note: this assumes we want this to be an arbitrary string. 
> Alternatively, we could make it have some logic attached and say it 
> has to be
>    owl:oneOf (Lite DL Full)

I think it's important to enumerate the values in
machine-readable form, using instances (preferably) or XML
Schema.  I don't think the set of values needs to be closed
(i.e. we can use an allValuesFrom Restriction instead of a

I do prefer the alternative approach of subclassing
owl:Ontology [1], in part because it requires less language
vocabulary (3 subclasses vs. 3 instances, 1 Class, 1
property, and 1 Restriction).



Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 12:36:40 UTC