Re: Problems with dark triples approach

>  dark triples [...] does at least
> open the possibility of constructing a solution: it removes what is
> otherwise a rigid and impassable barrier to any possible solution.


> No, wait. There are 2 separate issues here: the need for a clean
> account of layering, and the idea of basing the semantics on FOL
> rather than set theory. The dark triples are needed for the former,
> not the latter.

Pat, you're still saying less than you're not saying.
What is the content of the "clean account of layering" (just an example).
All the examples that have been raised have been to do with classes or
daml:collection in some way or other. So if the right examples are not
really about daml:collection and not about set theory then what are they


Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 08:23:18 UTC