Re: inference rule markup in W3C specs?

>A few of our specs are starting to have
>inference rules in them. I'd like to be
>able to use those rules in proof systems...
>stuff like HELM
>I sent some comments to the XQuery folks
>They have inference rule markup, but it seems
>to be for layout, not for capturing the logical formula.
>I told them I like the way the RELAX-NG spec
>is built...
>The HTML version has inference rules in
>a pretty familiar-looking form
>and the XML source looks quite usable
>as a logical formula
>   <rule name="valid">
>     <judgement name="match">
>       <function name="emptyEnv"/>
>       <function name="emptyNamespaceMap"/>
>       <function name="emptyBag"/>
>       <var range="element"/>
>       <var range="pattern"/>
>       <var range="keybag"/>
>       <var range="keyrefbag"/>
>     </judgement>
>     <judgement name="keyComplete">
>       <var range="keybag"/>
>       <var range="keyrefbag"/>
>     </judgement>
>     <not>
>       <judgement name="keyConflict">
>         <var range="keybag"/>
>       </judgement>
>     </not>
>     <judgement name="valid">
>       <var range="element"/>
>       <var range="pattern"/>
>     </judgement>
>   </rule>

My word, don't you just LOVE xml?? Its I don't know, 

>It occurs to me that the RDF Model Theory spec
>has some inference rules; they're so simple
>I almost didn't think of them as inference rules,
>but they are...
>       If E contains:  then add:
>rdf1  xxx aaa yyy     aaa rdf:type rdf:Property

Right. Jos DeRoo has them all up and running in Euler (N3-style), and 
I gather that Ora Lassila has a LISP engine that can run them on a 
cell phone, or something like that.


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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 20:31:27 UTC