RE: DASL draft issue: identification of query grammars

At 10:55 PM 12/14/2001 +0100, Julian Reschke wrote:
>given a URI reported in the DASL header of OPTIONs, how do I find out
>whether it stands for a specific XML based grammar? There is no direct
>mapping from a URI to a qualified XML element name, yet that's what's used
>as a child of the <searchrequest xmlns="DAV:"> element.
>Or do you propose to keep a hardwired mapping for each query grammar your
>software knows about?

I would expect that both clients and servers will typically support only a 
small fixed set of grammars.   A hard-wired list should be 
acceptable.  Indeed, I would predict that in the great majority of cases, 
the list will be of length one.  In the remainder, length two.

Received on Friday, 14 December 2001 19:18:46 UTC