- From: Babich, Alan <ABabich@filenet.com>
- Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 16:26:00 -0700
- To: "'DASL'" <www-webdav-dasl@w3.org>
Jim Whitehead wrote: "The BNF for a wildcard permits the entry of "</d:literal>" which would confuse parsers." The spec. is precise and correct. The second operand of the "like" operator is a string literal. (This is completely consistent with all the other operators.) The syntax of the pattern contained in this string literal is given by the BNF in section 5.12.1. The only parser that needs to parse the body of the string literal is the parser embedded inside the query engine, in the implementation of the "like" operator. The XML parser won't be confused. So, I disagree that either parser would get "confused". Parsers don't get confused, people do (and then they write bugs). Implementers just need to read the spec. carefully. Perhaps changing the title of section 5.12.1 to "BNF Syntax for the Search Pattern in the String Literal". Alan Babich
Received on Thursday, 24 June 1999 19:25:00 UTC