Re: use of DAV namespace

   From: "Jim Davis" <>

   The Versioning Extensions (Kaler et al, Jan 20, 1999) draft defines a
   number of XML elements (some are properties, others just elements) , all in
   the DAV: namespace.  Of these, at least three conflict with elements
   defined by DASL.  (DAV:and, DAV:or, and  DAV:not). 

In the latest draft (01.1), these elements have been renamed to be
DAV:rsr-xxx (i.e. DAV:rsr-or).  This was done to reflect the fact that
the "or" semantics for revision-selection-rules is not standard boolean
"or".  The 01.1 draft no longer specifies either an "and" or a "not"
construct for revision-selection-rules.

   Thus It would not be possible to construct a single DTD for WebDAV with
   both versioning and DASL.  I understand that, in general, WebDAV XML can't
   be validated (because we allow undefined elements to be used, for
   extensibility), still it seems bad if two different DAV extensions are

   I suggest that both extensions (DeltaV and DASL) used a new namespace, at
   least for those elements they introduce.

I personally have a mild preference that the DAV working groups use
a single namespace and just make sure to use those names consistently.
I believe it is important that DAV be semantically consistent across
the various working groups, and that a single uniform XML namespace is
one way of helping to make this be the case.


Received on Wednesday, 19 May 1999 04:22:04 UTC