Chair's summary of VBWG F2F June 9-11 in Saarbrücken

The Voice Browser Working Group  (VBWG)  face-to-face meeting was held 
from Monday June 9 to Wednesday June 11 in Saarbrücken, Germany.  We 
thank DFKI for their hospitality in hosting this face-to-face meeting.

Much of the meeting was devoted requests for changes to clarifying 
VoiceXML 3.0 issues left over from VoiceXML 2.x.0.  Discussions centered 
around solving conceptual issues and assigning individual working group 
members to submit detailed proposals for further consideration. We 
approved the publication of the Pronunciation Lexicon Specification 
(PLS) 1.0 as a proposed Recommendation.  Both VBWG members and 
non-members are welcome to submit implementation reports after 
publication of the PLS Proposed Recommendation.

We also approved the publication of the Speech Synthesis Markup Language 
(SSML) 1.1 as a Last Call Working Draft.  This publication will give the 
public one-last change to comment on the specification.

We agreed to establish an errata page for VoiceXML 2.0/2.1.
Our next face-to-face meeting is scheduled for October 23-24 at the 
Pullman Cannes Mandelieu Royal Casino Hotel in France.

Jim Larson
Co-chair, W3C VBWG

Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 03:52:53 UTC