Summary of the VBWG F2F meeting June 20-22, 2007

Summary of the VBWG F2F meeting June 20-22, 2007

*Speech Synthesis Markup Language 1.1.* The SSML 1.1 subgroup has added 
extensions on the audio tag for special cases and error handling, and 
type. We reviewed a new proposal on xml:lang for SSML 1.1 documents. We 
also discussed new audio and document attributes on volume, rate and 

*Pronunciation Lexicon Specification*. Much progress has been made to 
the PLS specification since the second last call of October 26. Most of 
the outstanding change requests have been processed, and many of the 
test assertions have been written. Work on the specification is nearly 
complete, many clarifications have been introduced since the last 
VoiceXML 3.0*. We reviewed the internal first draft of VoiceXML 3.0, the 
Data Flow Presentation Framework, resource controllers, event model and 
flow, document initialization and execution. We reviewed in detail the 
grammar module, prompt module, media module, and form module. We have 
identified two profiles: VoiceXML 2.1 profile and media server profile. 
Discussions on speaker verification and errata was deferred to future 

Thanks to H-care for hosting the MMI and VB working group face-to-face 
meetings June 20-22, 2007 at Roncade in the beautiful Veneto region of 
Italy, and for the activity in Venice on Wednesday afternoon and 
evening. Thanks also for an informative and interesting visit to H-care 
and related businesses on Thursday afternoon. Finally, thanks for the 
accommodation and travel support given by Fondazione Cassamarca at Ca' 

Our next Face to Face will be held in Boston at the in conjunction with 
the Technical Plenary meeting, Nov 5-9, 2007. The VBWG F2F meeting will 
be held Monday and Tuesday of that week.

Jim Larson
Co-chair, Voice Browser Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 18:44:22 UTC