Re: some comments on an SCXML draft

James Barnett and Other VBVG members,

Barnett, James wrote:

> Raxit,
>  We think it would be a bad idea for the state machine to wait
> automatically for the CancelResponse event.

I agree with this, as i mentioned in  my previous reply,(just copied 

"One solution (but may not be good)  to make 'FULL Synchronization' (But 
Work only for Synchronized Web-Services,)"

> While it is true that
> waiting for the event would solve the problem Al Gilman poses, it would
> cause the state machine to block forever in the case where the other
> entity did not send the CancelResponse event (e.g., because it had
> crashed.) 

I completely agree with Your points as I mentioned in my previous reply,

What i think  is that two issues/solutions raised by Al Gilman, is 
and providing EVENT_ID would make possible [<invoke> and <state>] pair 
and [<invoke> and <parallel> ]
and [Multiple Invoke within One State] will be compatible. (which are 
not possible as per current SCXML Draft)

Please refer the previous post

any known issue ? (at the implementation level, I think one need to 
implement Publish-Subscribe with composite state or simillar)

> - Jim
Many Thanks,
Raxit Sheth

> I think the issue 1  is due to "PARTIAL SYNCH",While Cancelling the call
> to web service.
> 4.4 <invoke> Para 3,
> The 'Cancel' event will be sent as if it were the final <onexit> handler
> in the invoking state. The invoked component must respond to the 
> 'Cancel' event with a 'CancelResponse' event (syntax of both events
> TBD).
> ---->The invoking state machine will take its transition without waiting
> for the CancelResponse event, which will be processed like any other 
> external event.<----- Synchronization Breaks Here...
> As per current SCXML draft Only One Call of Web-Service per State is 
> possible  at any given time(except this case, due to PARTIAL SYNCH) 
> and as per current SCXML draft call to  Asynchronous Web-Services may 
> not handled easily.
> One solution (but may not be good)  to make 'FULL Synchronization' 
> (But Work only for Synchronized Web-Services,)
> as per this, Invoking State Machine will take its transition ONLY 
> (here the case of NO Response or TIMEOUT would need to handle)
> While if implementation is done using EVENT_ID as suugested by Gilman, 
> One can make multiple web-services call also, because solution itself 
> say that call would not 'bind' to SCXML State id, but would 'bind' 
> with Event_ID.( And in current SCXML draft only one <invoke> in the 
> state is because of synchronization done using state id, or it may be 
> one reason
> )
> it may possible that one thread would invoke the web-service, without 
> blocking activity of whole state, state can continue to do other 
> stuff.(may be call to next <invoke>, as per current draft only one  
> <invoke> in state possible.)
> and in that context ( i am not sure here...) [<invoke> and <state>] pair
> and [<invoke> and <parallel> ] will be compatible,But NOT  [<state> 
> and <parallel> ]
> any known issue ?
> Waiting for response,
> Thanks & Regards
> Raxit Sheth


Raxit Sheth
Systems Software Engineer

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